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In Persona Chtisti - Institute of Incarnate Word

In Persona Christi

To the venerable memory of two legendsof the clergy of San Rafael, who sowed the Church here:Father Ernesto de Miguel–61 years of priesthood–and Father Basilio Winnyczuk–57 years of priesthood–To a living legend of the diocesan clergy of San Rafael,Father Victorino Ortega–58 years of exercising the priestly ministry. There is an essential difference between the priesthood

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Deacon - Institute of Incarnate Word


A. Institution of the Diaconate in the Church The diaconate is a divine-apostolic institution, and not merely ecclesiastical; the order of the diaconate exists in the Church by the will of Jesus Christ, and deacons exist by apostolic institution, as the Second Vatican Council teaches: “The divinely established ecclesiastical ministry is exercised on different levels

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