Priest Forever

Ministers of the blood

The effusion of Christ’s Blood expresses the very Mystery of His Passion, carried out precisely by the shedding of His blood. A. That Blood is

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Priest Forever

In Persona Totius Ecclesiae

In our consideration of the Catholic priesthood, the fact that the priest acts in persona Christi is very important, but we must complement it with

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Priest Forever

In Persona Christi

To the venerable memory of two legendsof the clergy of San Rafael, who sowed the Church here:Father Ernesto de Miguel–61 years of priesthood–and Father Basilio

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Priest Forever

Minister of Christ

Jesus Christ is the envoy of the Father: as the Father has sent me, so I send you (Jn 20:21). Christ also has His own

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Priest Forever

By the Imposition of Hands

Recently ordained priests–like all priests–are priests because the bishop–and all the members of the presbyterate–laid hands on them, thus leaving them “fit into the body

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Priest Forever


A. Institution of the Diaconate in the Church The diaconate is a divine-apostolic institution, and not merely ecclesiastical; the order of the diaconate exists in

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Priest Forever

The Ministerial Priesthood

There is an institution that appears in every era, wherever there have been men: it is the priesthood. The priesthood comes to give priests who

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