Priest Forever

The Priesthood As Mystery

There are two meanings of the word mystery: the first, and more common, refers merely to something that is unknown, to something hidden. In this

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Priest Forever

When I am lifted up on high

Just as everything in the solar system revolves around the sun, everything in the order of grace revolves around the grace of the Cross of

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Priest Forever

Christ’s Hour*

*Cfr. Charles Journet, La Misa, presencia del sacrifico de la cruz (Bilbao 1962) 26-31. I The supreme act by which Jesus Christ, through His death

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Priest Forever

Jesus Christ’s Sacrifice

The Only Mediator Now, there is only one God, and only one mediator between God and men: Christ Jesus, himself human (1 Tim 2:5). He

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Priest Forever

Jesus Christ, High Priest

[1] The Priesthood of Jesus Christ Since the dawn of time, there have been priests on the earth, at least in the sense of their

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