Blessed Virgin Mary

Stabat Mater Dolorosa

Fr. Christopher Etheridge, IVEStabat Mater Series: First Week of LentCrucifixion with the Virgin, John the Evangelist, and Mary Magdelene, 1419 – 1420 – Fra AngelicoI preface this short reflection by saying, that I have decided to focus my Wednesday homilies for the rest of Lent on the Marian hymn, Stabat Mater. I will not be able to get through all the verses, but focusing on a new one each week I hope to use Our Blessed Mother’s example to help us enter the mystery of her Immaculate Heart […]

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Blessed Virgin Mary

Seeking Greater Goods

Fr. Nathaniel Dreyer, IVEMemorial of St. Agatha, Virgin & Martyr Christ Healing a Woman with an Issue of Blood – Veronese, London, National Gallery ​“They begged Jesus that they might touch only the tassel on His cloak” (Mk 6:56). If we meditate on the request of the citizens of Gennesaret, there are two truths that emerge. First, notice that, out of all the things the citizens of Gennesaret could’ve asked Jesus for, they asked only to touch His cloak, and not even t […]

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Blessed Virgin Mary

St. Luke & Our Blessed Mother

Fr. Theodore Trinko, IVEFeast of St. Luke, EvangelistHomily Preached at the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Emmitburg, MD St Luke Painting the Virgin – By Georgio Vassari Today we are celebrating the feast day of a saint whose name we’ve heard on a daily basis in the Mass for several months: St. Luke. Almost every day the Gospel reading regarding Our Lord’s life is taken from the account which this evangelist wrote. As an author of one of the four Gospels, St. Luke is […]

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Blessed Virgin Mary

Doers of the Word

Fr. Theodore Trinko, IVETuesday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time The risen Christ appears to the Virgin Mary. Line engraving R. Strange, 1773 ​Today’s Gospel should be one of great relief for us. In it we heard Jesus lay down the conditions of being in his family:1) hearing the word of God and 2) acting on it.​This was a great change from the belief of the Jewish people up to that point. In order to belong to God’s Chosen People in the fullest sense of the word, o […]

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